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Investment in processing capacity – TATRAKON spol. s.r.o.
Increasing production efficiency, building a modern production facility in the industrial area on the “green field”. Ensuring high quality products and ensuring the applicant’s competitiveness. Achieving a permanently profitable position in the relevant markets, the introduction of information and communication technologies and also improving conditions for the production of canning products, support the consumption of the products that have a positive effect on the human body.
Project’s resulta:
Factory H2 – cannery – external engineering networks, water management facilities and operational files. The project is co-financed by the EU.
PRV SR 2014-2020
Opatrenie č. 4 – Investície do hmotného majetku
Podopatrenie č. 4.2 – Podpora pre investície na spracovanie/uvádzanie na trh
a/alebo vývoj poľnohospodárskych výrobkov